Toilet Block refurbishment for the hall

Solar energy, new lighting, new heating, new bar area….Pant Memorial Hall has seen huge improvements over the last few years.

There’s always more to do – for our next project, we are turning our attention to the unglamorous but essential task of refurbishing our toilet block.


Why this project?

Once upon a time in the ‘tin hut’ days, the toilets were seats over buckets – fortunately we have long moved on from that! The hall toilets were last fully reworked in the late 1990s. We have ladies, gents and a unisex accessible toilet, so things are working, but matters could definitely do with an upgrade.

Over the last few years we have fitted sensor lights to all the toilets – nothing to touch and can’t be left on. We also have low-energy modern hand driers, and hot water from a central tank (heated by solar power when available) rather than the old individual heaters. But there’s lots more to do…

What needs changing?

The full details of the project are still to be worked out, but here is our wishlist, in no particular order.

  • New whiteware throughout
  • Low-water use flushing
  • automatic flushing (not everyone remembers…)
  • sensor taps: more hygienic and can’t be left on by mistake
  • better ventilation and extraction
  • redecoration throughout
  • new vanity unit in the ladies
  • soap dispensers
  • better feminine hygiene arrangements
  • baby change unit
  • improvements to the accessible toilet; powered door, better sink and soap dispenser, possibly a ‘changing places’ facility

This may involve rearranging some walls – the relative sizes of the three ‘suites’ are not really correct for modern users, especially if we are going to add more facilities.

How will this be funded?

The hall charity does have reserves for fixes and maintenance – essential for any building. The hire fees are set to cover the running costs and do not cover big projects. Hence we seek grant funding for this work.

Excellent news: we have been awarded the first part of the funding. The National Lottery Community Fund have approved our request for £14,000 for this project. A huge thank you to all National Lottery players!

National Lottery Community Fund logo

At present we are thinking bigger, and so will be applying for more money from a separate funder. If we are not successful in this, the scope of the work will be reduced to match the available funds.

We’d also welcome approaches from local firms who can help us make the most of the funding, perhaps by donating design time, providing materials at cost or similar ideas.

Who will specify and manage the project?

That will be the hall committee! The committee members (charity trustees) will decide what to do and how it will be done.

And that’s where other people come in – we are seeking new trustees to join us! We welcome people from all walks of life. Joining the hall committee is a chance to make a difference to our community. Read more about it on this link.

Thoughts and ideas are also welcome from everyone – just get in touch. However it is the committee that will make the final decisions.

When will all this happen?

Watch this space – we want to do this work with minimal disruption to the use of the hall, so a lot of planning will be needed. We’ll keep you updated on this page and on our socials.

page updated: 22nd June 2024