Our online calendar tells you what is going on at the hall – hover over each event to see details and contact information.
We’re also happy to publicise regular events on this page – as below. Please use the contact details shown.
- Pant Women’s Institute – our thriving WI branch meet on the first Thursday of each month, 7:15 pm in the hall with guest speakers, craft celebrations and more. All ladies most welcome. More details and this year’s programme are on this link. Contact email: pantwi1931@gmail.com Going strong since 1932, a mere 10 years younger than the hall!
- Pant Scottish Dancing club – every Tuesday evening from September to May, an informal and friendly group who welcome everyone from novice to expert. Class runs from 7:30pm to 9pm with a rota to set up and clear away. Contact Aubrey on 01691 649096 or email aubrey.photo@yahoo.co.uk
Please contact us if you would like your event to be publicised.
Past event photo gallery
just a few snippets from the past life of the hall – if you’ve got any photos of past events, (however long ago) we would love to add them to our collection.
2022 – Centenary Fair
Our happiest day in a long time, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the hall, and our centenary project improvements.
A huge, huge thank you to all who attended and supported our centenary fair on Saturday June 25th 2022. It is a delight to our all-volunteer committee to see the village get together and have so much fun. Thank you to stallholders, prize donors, book donors, the children and staff of Bryn Offa school for their lovely performance and of course everyone who came along. We raised £411 which goes to the improvement of the hall. Thank you to everyone for their support.
2021 – Remembrance Event
For 2021, we held our remembrance event in a new secular format. We were also delighted to be able to display poetry cards written by the children of Bryn Offa school in Pant. Here is a reflection read at the event.

2021 – Pant Womens’ Institute 90th Birthday
also in one of the local papers: read the report on this link
2020 – Remembrance in lockdown
2019 Autumn bazaar

Previous bazaars – 2018 and 2017

Morton Minors sing at the 2015 Remembrance Service

Olympic torch relay – May 2012
The hall was made available for the public celebrations providing free tea, music, bunting and – conveniences.
