Fire Safety at Pant Memorial Hall

This page collects the information required as a result of the amendments made to the Fire Safety Order by Section 156 of the Building Safety Act 2022. These new requirements came into force on 1 October 2023.

Fire safety has always been a priority at the hall. These new regulations require us to ensure that the documentation for our existing measures is easily available – hence this web page.

Our fire safety measures

A summary of what we do relating to fire safety:

  • Alarm system: the building has a fire alarm with sensors in entrance hall, main hall, kitchen and solar equipment plant room.
  • Alarm testing: committee members test the alarm each week. Professional tests are carried our twice a year.
  • Alarm ‘break glass’ points: one in the entrance hall, one in the kitchen, both by fire exits.
  • Emergency lighting: lights and signs are installed to illuminate the exit routes. These lights are tested monthly by the committee and annually by a contractor for the ‘3 hour’ test.
  • Fire exits: these are the front door and the kitchen exit. Both have ramps so are accessible to wheelchair users, and the exit routes lead out to unrestricted escape. The kitchen fire doors have ‘panic bars’ for easy exit.
  • Fire extinguishers: four extinguishers around the building, tested annually. There is no expectation on hirers to use these.
  • Fire blankets: two in the kitchen
  • Requirements on hirers: these are all documented in our booking conditions and on the one-page sign displayed in the hall.
  • Electrical safety: the fixed installation is tested every five years (last test early 2023). Portable appliances are checked annually, with this test session also open to hirers.
  • Committee responsibilities (as well as alarm testing) – regular review of health and safety documents and monitoring of legislation. Assisted by our membership of Community Resource Shropshire who provide information bulletins.


Fire risk assessmentThis was carried out in November 2017. We have made many changes since, detailed in the next document. We review our safety arrangements regularly.
Updates to fire risk assessment
Actions/changes made as a result of the fire risk assessment.
Building floor plan, showing exits and safety equipmentDisplayed in the building
Fire evacuation procedureDisplayed in the building
Responsible personthe committee of Pant Memorial Institute, contactable via
Health and Safety policyReviewed annually by the committee